Monday, April 16, 2012

Spring Changes at Castaways

Don't you associate "Spring" with beginnings? The flowers begin to bloom, the grass turns a brilliant shade of green, and there is such a sense of fresh and NEW! That's kind of how we feel at Castaways right now. We've got so many new and exciting things in the works, we are buzzing with a fabulous energy that we can't wait to share with you!

Our intake room is up and running! Now you can bring your items to consign to the door right next door to Castaways! It is a room specially designed to process and tag your items to get them on the floor quickly and efficiently! If you have adult items, you may walk in with your items any time we are open! If you are a new consignor or you have children's clothing, please call 309-886-2424 for an appointment (please limit children's items to one tote per visit). We LOVE how smoothly things have been going since we started our intake room and we are STUNNED by how many items we are receiving! Keep 'em coming, we LOVE IT!

We have a new sales counter at Castaways and it is GORGEOUS, but we are going to make it even BETTER this Saturday, because we are going to fill it up with current fashion jewelry that is on trend and inexpensive! You will be able to find the PERFECT accent piece to make an already amazing outfit completely jaw~dropping!

Finally, we are gutting our current fitting rooms and rebuilding them at the end of the month! Now we will have four roomy fitting rooms painted a flattering color with plenty of light! No more lines! :)

We are moving in a wonderful new direction after seven years in Washington, and we could NEVER do it without you.... in fact, the renewal of this blog is yet another new beginning! Show your support and check in often! We will be sharing updates, interesting fashion advice, our favorite pins from Pinterest, and great photos of new arrivals and fun things that are happening in the store. We are always on a mission to make Castaways even BETTER for our FABULOUS customers!

Have a WONDERFUL day!

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