Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What I'm Wearing Wednesday

I ran my first three miles in these super cute running shoes! As 5K season approaches, and I am diligently training, I always reward myself with a new pair of running shoes. This year I have been coveting a BRIGHT pink and blue pair of Asics. However, I could NOT resist these adorable BRIGHT pink, grey, and white Avias that I found at Castaways recently. They satisfy my need for the bright, sassy color, and were ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS CHEAPER than the ones I have been wanting.

I think people tend to forget that we carry a selection of workout gear at Castaways. It's just like the rest of our inventory, all name brand and in good condition, and if you buy athletic gear, you KNOW how EXPENSIVE it is retail. We currently have a nice selection of Adidas, Nike, Reebok, and Athleta gear, and we even have a few more pairs of running shoes. Once we even took a yoga mat on consignment ~ it was so cute!  On the kiddo end of things, we also have sport shorts, swim gear, girls' tumbling and dance outfits, and baseball/soccer cleats. ALL things that, in my opinion, it is not worth paying retail for!

Remember, if you consign with us ~ we also ACCEPT all of the above items on consignment, so if you've got these things laying around your house and they're in good shape and name brand, bring them in to us!

So, what are you wearing today? Is it from Castaways? Comment below and let us know! Even better, send us a picture on Facebook!


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